Ed 2 02 January 2020

Kilimo srl is a company founded in January 2008 with the aim of providing consulting and assistance services in clinical trials of pharmaceutical products, by of the implementing experimental protocols.
Kilimo srl supports clients in the application of ethical principles and regulatory aspects to maximize the benefits derived from scientific research.

The services provided by Kilimo srl, among others, are:
- Review of experimental protocols and study procedures
- Requests to Ethics Committees and Competent Authority
- Scientific support to researchers and client sponsors
- Monitoring of data derived from the clinical study
- Support aimed to fulfill administrative obligations associated with trials implementation
Kilimo srl is based in Italy where it operates from its offices.


Kilimo srl undertakes to provide support to clinical research to guarantee the quality of the data
and at the same time the surveillance on the mandatory aspects of safety, dignity and rights of
Kilimo srl preferably selects personnel with experience in the world of clinical research, having
operated in hospitals, covering the
typical roles dedicated to figures such as CRA, pharmacist, research nurse
or clinical trial coordinator.
The choice of staff is a key point of Kilimo srl to achieve appropriate completion of duties related the many
associated with the conduct of clinical trials in the national and international environment, in the best way possible.
Clinical trials are typically carried out in experimental centers together with other clinical activities and
require specific management, on which the quality of clinical trials depends, reflecting in completeness and correctness of the data generated, respect for the dignity and rights of the participants and compliance with authorizations by the Ethics Committees and Competent Authorities and the general legal framework.
For this purpose Kilimo srl:
 is committed to operate in compliance with the rules of Good Clinical Practice
 has put in place a quality control system that regulates its operation
 is committed to perform periodic and ad hoc updates.

The management of Kilimo srl gives priority to prevention over the elimination of errors.
Opportunities and risks are regularly analyzed and evaluated. Amongst external vendors, 
ensuring first-rate assistance, excellent quality standards and costs in line with the market are privileged.
The director defines general and specific objectives that are
written annually and shared with the staff through constant internal updates.
Project management has the ability to combine control and collaboration, clarity on the objectives of
design and visibility of internal organizational processes. All collaborators contribute to the management of
business processes. Vendors are selected and considered from the beginning of decision-making processes, in order to 
share with them our needs and customer expectations.
Kilimo srl is considered a reliable partner, pays constant attention to the evolution and development of its own
market sector, in order to be always updated, as the success of its customers runs
parallel to its own, making commercial relations collaborative and lasting.
Kilimo srl guarantees fair compensation to its staff, who have the opportunity to complete a path of
professional growth also tailored to individual needs and to operate in a work environment
pleasant and serene. Continuous training and the development of individual skills are encouraged,
generating greater flexibility in performance, accountability and personal motivation.
Kilimo srl pursues the approach of continuous improvement, according to a corporate
strategy, encouraging each person to make small changes every day, the effect of which
overall becomes a process of selection and improvement of the entire Organization.

02 January 2020                                                                                           
                                                                                                                      Kilimo Srl Director

Kilimo srl Address: Via Decumana 67/A - 40133 - Bologna - Italy            Phone +39 051 7173797         FAX +39 051 313960        VAT: 02810841201