About Us

Kilimo supports its clients by applying ethical principles and regulatory rules to maximize benefit derived from clinical research

The services provided by Kilimo concern amongst other:

- Clinical trial protocol and study procedures review

- Competent Authority and Ethical Committee requests

- Scientific support to researchers and commercial sponsors

- Monitoring of clinical trial data

- Support on administrative duties related to the clinical trial conduction

Kilimo srl is based in Italy and operates at his office seat.

Our clients are usually Sponsors/CROs who seek support for conducting their studies in Italy, or Investigative Centers conducting non commercial reasearch within the country.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any further information.

Kilimo srl Address: Via Decumana 67/A - 40133 - Bologna - Italy            Phone +39 051 7173797         FAX +39 051 313960        VAT: 02810841201